例 1 : 整段式:

     Topic sentence (主題句)                                                                               

           Development sentence/ Discussion(發展句/討論句)                            


                    Conclusion (結尾句)                                       









    考試有很多好處 (Examinations have a lot of advantages.)



    考試不但能幫助學生了解所學過的東西, 又有機會來測試自己

    令一方面, 老師可以透過考試了解學生的程度, 進而改進教學方法


    因此, 我們可以說考試在教育上扮演著重要的角色 考試是絕對需要的.


英文作文範例 (1)











      Examinations have a lot of(1) advandages. They can make students work hard(2). They not only(3) help students understand what they have learned but also(3) give them a chance to test themselves. On the other hand(4), through(5) examination, teachers can understand the ability level(6) of their students and try to improve the techniques of teaching(7). So we can say that examinations play an important part in(8) education. They are absolutely necessary.





家庭作業1:試寫出發展句 (至少3項理由) 結尾句 (2句即可)



    腳踏車比開車好 (Riding bicycle is preferable than driving car.)


    第一 , .........

    第二 , .........

    第三 , .........


    總而言之, ......


英文作文範例 (2)


     Riding bicycle is preferable than driving car. First of all, a bicycle is relatively inexpensive to buy.

A good bicycle will cost only about several thousand dollars, while a car may cost thousands of dollars.

Second, biking is also more healthful. The biker can not only get more physical exercise than the car

drivers but bicycles are non polluting as well. Third, bicycling is, unlike driving, personally satisfying.

The biker, while pedaling along, can enjoythe scenery and become a part of nature. In all but bad

weather, the bicycle is a pleasurable means of transportation.  


家庭作業2寫 日記 (自今日98.09.16起) 至少1句完整句子